
Secondary School Gallery

Senior School Gallery
Valentines art and crafts
Music Generation
Enjoying breakfast Club
English CBA Presentations
Celebrating a 16th Birthday!
Strength and Conditioning
Halloween Table Quiz
Senior students completing challenge for Maths Week.
Spread you wings Art project with Art teacher Maria Loughlin.
Class 12 trip to Jenkinstown Woods.
LCA students enjoyed Art and photography with visiting artist Maria. 
All classes enjoyed samba drumming with Mark. 
Class 12 Autumn Art class.
Everyone enjoyed strength and conditioning with Michael Bowler.
Class 13 enjoyed a pizza making workshop in Supermacs to celebrate the Junior Cert results.
Cooking up a lunch.
Senior Students enjoyed social time with 4 students from St Kierans college every Thursday morning. Aoibhe interviewing our visiting educators from the Netherlands on Jigsaws. Class 13 enjoyed a pizza making workshop in Supermacs to celebrate the Junior Cert results.
Class 8 enjoyed a trip to the Watergate Theatre to see The Bus.