
Current News

An audio station has been set up in our school library. This will extend and enhance reading opportunities for the students.  
Students and teacher in classes 2,3,and 4 are working and practising hard for First Penance, and classes 6 and 7 for Confirmation. 
Seachtain na Gaeilge 2025 has begun in school with lots of learning, projects, activities and fun planned for the coming two weeks. 
Go néirí an t-adh linn!
Tamara did herself, her family and the school proud last Friday when she was a finalist in the Senior Division of "Taste of Home - Young Cook Competition" in Munster Technological University, Cork.
Well done Tamara! 
Our thanks are sent to Lieutenant Colonel Stephen Mac Eoin and Lieutenant Blaine Donovan and all their colleagues in Oglaidh Na Eireann for their donation to our school this morning.
The 3rd Infantry battalion, based at Stephen's Barracks Kilkenny, recently led the Army's deployment to Lebanon as part a peacekeeping mission there.
The soldiers had an intense and busy deployment, returning safely in June 2024.
As part of battalion welfare activities, the soldiers are encouraged to raise funds for local charities in their area, reinforcing vital links between barracks and their local communities.
We thank them for this donation to our school .
Lieutenant Donovan is the son of one of our SNA'S Jackie.
Congratulations to Kate in our class 5 student who won the junior school internet safety poster competition.
A senior student also won the senior school competition.
Well done to our very proactive student council for organising these events!
Best of luck to our class 13 student who will compete in the "A Taste of Home" home economics competition on Feb 28th in MTU.
The competition aims to showcase local produce - so we're highlighting @Highbank Orchard apple cider vinegar and orchard syrup. She will bake a tart from their recipe book and is busy practicing all week!
Good luck!
We are very excited to be starting a new block of therapeutic horse riding at Kilkieran Equestrian Farm.
We celebrated Catholic School's Week at the end of January. 
This year theme was "Alive in Christ". 
All classes participated in a project on a specific area and displayed their work in the gym.
Topics included "St. Bridgit's Cloak, Modern Saints, Religion in Todays World and We Give Thanks".
The names of the students who will make Confirmation and First Holy Communion were displayed also.
Fr. Dan called in on Friday. He met students and staff and discussed students' work with them.
he praised the work of the school.
As Fr. Dan was recently conferred with the title "Monsignor" by Bishop Coll, Mrs Butler gave him a present to mark the big occasion. 
Congratulations Monsignor Carroll. 
Teachers in the primary school trained for The Maths Curriculum on January 20th. 
On that day, senior teachers prepared for the Wellbeing " Bí Cineálta" initiative. 
SNAs were trained in Health and Safety and Manual Handling. 
A very productive day for staff learning.
Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Lennon, Ms Murphy and Ms. Lulias attended a seminar on "Understanding Behaviours of Concern" in the Education Centre on January 22nd. 
We were very happy to return to school life after the snow extension to our Christmas Holidays. 
Our "Hug a Book" initiative continues in The Primary School this term.
Well done to classes 7 and 8 who entered the Wonka Tree in the Christmas Tree Festival.
Our annual Christmas Hamper Draw took place on Monday December 12th with a raffle of fabulous hampers and vouchers, which raised money for outgoing school costs.  
Classes 4 and 5 performed "This Night before Christmas" in the school gym for the school and the parents on Friday December 13th. 
It was a magnificent performance.  
Congratulations to our 3 students who performed with Mark from Music Generation last Thursday evening in McDonagh Junction Shopping Centre.
Santa visited the school on December 12th to a great welcome from students and staff.
We sang Christmas songs, met Santa and raised money for Temple Street Children's Hospital.
Classes 4 and 5 attended the Watergate Christmas production "A Winter's Dream" which was very enjoyable. 
Class 5 caught the city bus to attend.  
Students practised every Monday with the Music Generation Choir, towards a performance in St. Canice's Cathedral on Monday 16th December as part of Yulefest Kilkenny.
Parent/Teacher Meetings took place at the end of November. 
It was great to see our parents in school and feel the happy vibe.
We welcomed two student teachers from Marino College, Eoghan and Katelyn to classes 3 and 6. 
They spent two weeks in the school and keenly learned from their experience.  
In recent weeks the school has been very active in many areas.
Sarah Meyers, Heritage Council Expert visited Classes 3-7 to explore local history through masks and mask making. 
Another busy week in school.
LCA Italian week, interesting reading in LCA 2, team teaching returned to the senior school,
Cross stitch classes Hug a Book literacy programme commenced, choir with Music Generation started have started practicing for the Christmas Choir.
We welcomed our new Home Economics teacher to our school and our new senior school English programme started.
All parents/ grandparents of pupils from classes 1-7 welcome!
LCA Italian week was a huge success around the school. 
Money raised from our staff soup day and Halloween festivities was presented to Saoirse.
Aoibhe from our student council presented a cheque to Saoirse from class 7.
Saoirse heads to a Mauy Thai competition in Wales in November.
Trick or Treat
Happy Halloween!
Happy Harry !
Harry was delighted to see the delivery of our bottle return bin to school. Una one of our SNA's sourced the bin for school.
The question is "What to buy out of the cash we get from recycling our plastic ?"
Ms. Bolger and Ms. Ayres are leading our Travel Flag imitative this year. 
Workshops will be held on the theme Composting and bottle recycling, this is underway and all classes are involved. 
We had a visit from teachers on Erasmus from The Netherlands last week. 
Mrs. Butler gave a presentation on the school, she  spoke to them about the history of our school, our pupil pathway, curriculum options and the school leavers process in our school.
Ms Leo spoke about the importance of regulation and how we differentiate to meet our pupils needs.
Our Dutch visitors were delighted to visit classes 4 and 14, where they got an opportunity to see Ms. Ayres and Ms. Lulias teach a lesson.
At the end of their day they interviewed Ms. Lulias on the leaving cert applied programme and learned about our community engagement activities.
They complimented the warm welcoming atmosphere in the school.
A good day for all, learning from each other!
LCA1 received their Junior Certificate results and LCA2 received their Session 2 results on October 9th.
Well done to all. We are proud of your achievements. 
We celebrated SNA Appreciation Day on September 26th with nibbles and treats at break time. 
A new School Council has been elected and we wish them well in their work this year. 
Many of our annual  activities have started again - Assemble, Senior School Swimming, Up and Walking, Gym and Music Generation. 
We have introduced Strength and Conditioning classes for some senior student groups. 
A big day in School of the Holy Spirit, today as we said good bye to our play therapist Helen Clarke.
David from our Senior school presented her with a piece of art while Harry from our Junior school presented a beautiful card.
Helen's dedication to our whole school community was much appreciated and she will be truly missed!
Parent's Evening was on Thursday September 26th and it was a lovely opportunity for parents, teachers and SNA's to meet and get to know each other. 
Many of our annual activities have started again - Assembly, Senior School Swimming, Up and Walking, gym and Music Generation.
We have had a very busy and happy start to this school year. 
We welcomed 6 new students to the Reception Class and 3 new teachers - Ms. Kenny, Ms. Kelly and Ms. Quigley.
Fr. Dan began the school year with a blessing in the Sacred Space.