
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

Attention Deficit (Hyperactive) Disorder is a developmental disorder characterised by significant difficulties in:

  • Sustaining attention to task.
  • Resisting distraction.
  • Controlling one’s activity level
  • to meet the demands of the situation.
  • Sluggish information processing.

The single underlying problem of lack of behavioural inhibition presents in the child’s hyperactivity and impulsive actions. Research suggests that this disorder occurs in around 3-7% of school age children and is roughly 3 times more common in males than in females.

The symptoms characterising this disorder are not necessarily seen to the same degree in all children diagnosed. AD(H)D often occurs on its own. However, a number of children diagnosed with ASD would also be diagnosed with AD(H)D.

Within the school we use a combination of the following strategies and interventions for helping children with ADD/ADHD.
We aim to provide-

  • An atmosphere of acceptance and positive regard.
  • A structured classroom and school environment.
  • A structured work station free from unnecessary distractions.
  • A work schedule for the day to minimise confusion and provide security.
  • Short, clear instructions and do-able tasks.
  • Positive reinforcement in line with Behavioural Management principles.
  • Close liaison with parents and relevant professionals, with an emphasis on positives in behaviour and work. Relevant therapies including Multi-Sensory Integration, Occupational Therapy, Music Therapy, Counselling Psychology and Reflexology.